Pictured on the occasion of the ceremony were: (l to r) The Dominican sister, Dr Margaret Mac Curtain, who was conferred with a Doctor in Literature (Litt.D), Dr Liisa Kauppinen former CEO of the Finnish Association of the Deaf who was conferred with a Doctor in Laws (LL.D), President Michael D Higgins who was conferred with a Doctor in Laws (LL.D), TCD Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast, Musician and composer John Sheahan of The Dubliners who conferred with a Doctor in Music (Mus.D) and the Chancellor of the University, Mary Robinson.President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, Irish Historian, Dr Margaret Mac Curtain, The Dubliners’ John Sheahan and the former CEO of the Finnish Association of the Deaf, Dr Liisa Kauppinen were conferred with Honorary Degrees at Trinity College Dublin